Finally a book to learn how to deal with difficult personalities and free yourself from the stress they communicate!
Does your manager aggressively assert his authority? Are you dealing with manipulative and malicious employees? You don’t know what behavior to adopt to get out of a conflict without losing your cool?
Discover in this book how to manage different toxic personalities, whatever their profile: paranoid, anxious, narcissistic, hysterical… HBR experts give you all the keys to finding the right attitude and the right words to defuse tensions and restore peaceful ties. Thanks to multiple practical tips and concrete cases, you will know how to prevent your colleagues from poisoning your professional life.
A valuable guide to better manage your emotions and succeed in developing more productive relationships by cultivating empathy and resilience
Behind a title that seems like a joke, a serious work appears, constructed like a novel.
The two authors, psychiatrists, offer simple solutions to help everyone react better to personalities known to be difficult and to improve the understanding of benign neuroses.
In the gallery of portraits sketched by the authors, we will remember the anxious person who must be reassured, the paranoiac whose susceptibility must be thwarted, the histrionic person from whom it is better to keep his distance, the obsessive whose personality must be valued. energy or even the narcissist to whom it is preferable not to show off.
Based on concrete cases, the reader discovers the salient traits of each personality type, as well as interpretations intended to better understand the reasons for their behavior.
This explanation is the essential prerequisite to better anticipate the reactions and control the emotions of these disruptors who, on a daily basis, can annoy us and put us on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
What reassures us the most is feeling that someone appreciates us for who we are, even if we make mistakes. It is the talent that some teachers have, to give their students the feeling that they are respected and appreciated whatever their results, as long as they play the game and make an effort. It is in this reassuring atmosphere that children and adults learn new behaviors most quickly.
Summary :
Once upon a time there was a young psychiatrist named Hector who wasn’t very happy with himself: he saw clearly that he couldn’t make people happy. Hector therefore decides to go on a trip around the world to understand what truly brings happiness. Why do we often dream of a happier life without appreciating our own? Do we find happiness in success or in relationships with others? Does it depend on circumstances or a way of seeing things? After many adventures and surprising encounters, Hector will be able to better answer these questions…
Between an initiatory journey and a tale for grown-ups, the tender and amused look of a psychologist on our doubts and our thirst for happiness.
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