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Title: How To Succeed In Evernthing You Undertake

Available in Volume 1 and 2

Auteur(s): J. Moumi De Bakondji

Book Type: Personal Development

Interior: Black and White

Éditeur(s): Menaibuc

Parution: 15/12/2023

Nb. de Pages: 210pages

Format: 15 x 21cm

Couverture: Broché

Poids: 0,30g

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The author, Dr. J. MOUMI De BAKONDJI studied Law and Economic Sciences culminating in a DESS in Business Consulting and a Doctorate in Business Law at the University of PARIS V-SORSONNE.
After his internship in Legal and Tax Consulting at the Francis LEFEBVRE Firm, French Leader in Business Consulting, he
creates IBA.S.A (Internationale Business Assistance) and sets up on his own as an International Consultant…
And it was during a mission to the USA that he measured the immense need for Consulting in the field of Psychology of Success. Especially since he measures the impact in the lives of almost all African-American Leaders, such as Dr. Martin Luther KING, Barack OBAMA, Oprah WINFREY, Michael JORDAN, Tiger WOOD, to name just a few. . Since then he has devoted valuable time to research and publication of Personal Development and Leadership works, from the perspective of a global vision of Human Development, business development and the development of Institutions inAfrica.
To date, numerous testimonies, some of which are reported in this work, attest to the fact that any human being can succeed in everything he undertakes, as long as he can acquire appropriate knowledge and put it into practice, such as: that he recommends the method in this work.
For more than 20 years, Dr. J. MOUMI De BANKONDJI has led teaching and seminars in Personal Development and Organizational Development.
Nowadays, there are many men who want to do business. But many of them also wonder if they can succeed! In this work, the author responds with a simple paradigm to this fateful question asked by millions of candidates for success and business creation, all over the world!
Yes ! Anyone driven by an ardent desire to undertake to succeed! On condition of observing the laws, principles and practices which compete for success!
Whatever the field in which the person wishes to undertake.
The author demonstrates the effectiveness of this paradigm, supporting his assertion using, on the one hand, evidence from the science of success, and on the other hand, the positive experiences of men and women who have succeeded in their entrepreneurial adventures, by putting into practice these laws, these principles and these practices presented by the author. Laws, principles and practices, which he experienced himself during the creation of Cabinet Moumi & Associes and the IBA S.A group in Paris. Indeed the success and design of the implementation of the homing missile by scientists at MIT, allowed the psychologist and cyberneticists to experiment with the guiding mechanics of the homing missile in behavioral psychology and in the field of human entrepreneurship. So that today, the author is able to affirm, unequivocally, that any person who really wants to undertake, and who adopts and masters these laws, principles and practices can succeed in everything they undertake, whatever the field.
The author reinforces his demonstration, with success stories from many successful personalities, from the four corners of the world, who have made judicious use.
It is up to the reader to make good use of it in turn, to succeed in everything they undertake.


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