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$ 10.400,00

Author: Maxwell John C.

Title: The Roadmap To Your Success

Type of book: Personal Development

Publication date: 09/19/2012

Publisher: Performane

Presentation: Paperback

No. of pages: 245 pages

Weight: 0.376 Kg

Dimensions: 14.0cm × 21.5cm × 1.5cm

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In the road map to your success! Renowned New York Times best-selling author John C. Maxwell will teach you practical principles that will prepare you to plan the journey to your own success. You’ll learn how to prepare for this journey, overcome the detours, include your family, and build important professional relationships along the way. John C. Maxwell also provides insightful questions and exercises that will help you focus your thinking, plan your approach, and move forward. The Road Map to YOUR success! is a book whose understanding and value will help you embark on a journey you were created for, keep moving forward, live your dreams and complete your journey like the winner that you are. – The definition of success is not the same for everyone. On the other hand, the process to get there is the same. – Succeeding is knowing your life purpose, believing in order to reach your full potential and sowing seeds that will benefit other people. – When you understand that success is a journey, you will never again experience trying to arrive at an elusive final destination. John C. Maxwell.
Renowned New York Times bestselling author John C Maxwell teaches practical principles in this book that prepare you to plan the journey to your own success. You’ll learn how to prepare for this journey, overcome detours, include your family, and build important professional relationships along the way. John C Maxwell also provides insightful questions and exercises that help you focus your thinking, plan your approach, and move forward.
“The Road Map to Your Success” is a book whose understanding and value helps you embark on a journey you were created for, keep moving forward, live your dreams and complete your journey like the winner you are. are.


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